Membership Types

The Aussie Founders Network is a community established for founders, by founders. We have set criteria to join at the Founder member level, but also cater to the wider ecosystem through our Community membership which is open to anyone with a connection/interest in the startup/technology ecosystem and a connection to or interest in Australians (and our Kiwi friends).



To be a Founder member, you need to have started a technology company in Australia (or NZ) or be an Australian (or Kiwi) who started a technology company. Founder Members will be categorised based on how far along their journey they are, so more experienced founders can help newer founders, and Founders who are running larger, later-stage organizations can help each other navigate the kinds of challenges that only apply at those stages of experience.



If you're someone who's a part of the Aussie (or Kiwi) tech community (e.g. service provider, VC, angel investor, an Aussie working at a startup, someone working for an Aussie tech company, event manager, etc.), or otherwise don't fit into the Founder category, we'd love you to be part of our extended Community.